Nadace pro dějiny kultury ve střední Evropě
Association for Central European Cultural Studies




Repertorium historických hudebních tisků na území ČR,
I: Tisky vokální polyfonie, rané monodie, hudební teorie a tabulatur z let 1500-1630
(Repertory of the Rare Printed Musical Books Now in the Czech Republic, I: 1500-1630)



1 / 2 Secunda pars magni operis musici, continens clarissimorum symphonistarum tam veterum quam recentiorum, praecipue vero Clementi non Papae, carmina elegantisssimaa. Quinque vocum...
Nürnberg, 1559
Author: none
Printers: Joannes Montanus (Berg), Ulrich Neuber
Deposit 1: NK (Pu), Praha, 59 E 9728 (2) - S, 1559/1
Deposit 2: MVČ (HK), Hradec Králové, Ha 1265a-b (2) - Va, A
Deposit 3: MZM (Bm), Brno, A 20529 – T, V
Composers: Joannes de Bacchis (2), Eustachius Barbion, Arnold von Bruck, A. Caen, Jacobus Clemens non Papa (38), Giovanni Contino, Thomas Crecquillon (6), Du Beron, Festa, Antonius Galli (3), Gombert (6), Jachet (8), Josquin Després (7), J. Lupus (2), Ioannes Maillard (3), Massenus, H. Matthias (4), Mouton (3), Leonhard Paminger, Phinot, Vincenzo Ruffo, Senfl (4), Verdelot (3), Adrian Willaert (2), anonym (2)


2 / 2 Di Vincenzio Ruffo Il secondo libro di madrigali a cinque voci, novamente con ogni diligentia... ristampato. — In Venetia, appresso di Antonio Gar­dano, 1557.
Venezia, 1557
Author: Vincenzo Ruffo
Printer: Antonio Gardano
Deposit: SVK (OLu), Olomouc, 5365, č. 5 – C, A, T, 5v, R 3075
Composers: Perissone Cambio, Giovanni Contino, G. Nasso (3), Vincenzo Ruffo (19)


Toto repertorium vzniklo s podporou Grantové agentury ČR (projekt reg. č. 408/09/1857)
© Association for Central European Cultural Studies, 2009-2014
ISBN 978-80-87773-14-7

All rights reserved: no part of this repertory may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission
of the Association for Central European Cultural Studies.
2010-2024 © ACECS (Ver.03.30)